Samsung has already announced the international variant of the Galaxy Grand smartphone. Earlier this week, the South Korean manufacturer has even launched this device in India. Today, Samsung has finally announced the Galaxy Grand for its home market. However, this variant is slightly different from the international variant. The Samsung Galaxy Grand will comes with a 1.4 GHz quad-core processor and VoLTE connectivity, instead of 1.2 GHz dual-core processor and 3G connectivity. Sadly, there is no change to the disappointing screen resolution.

The South Korean variant of Galaxy Grand features a 5 inch touchscreen display, sporting a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels, 1.4 GHz quad-core processor, Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) OS, TouchWiz UI, 8 megapixel rear camera with auto-focus and LED flash, full HD (1080p) video recording and playback, 1.9 megapixel front-facing camera for video calls and so on.
It also comes with a 3.5 mm headset jack, FM Radio with RDS, GPS with A-GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, S-Pen, S Note, S Planner, Samsung Hub, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, VoLTE Connectivity, 1 GB RAM, 8 GB internal memory, MicroSD card slot, 64 GB expandable memory, DLNA, Google Play Store, Wi-Fi Direct and a 2100 mAh battery.
Samsung has not yet announced the price of this device. However, the price is expected to be slightly higher than the international variant. This device will be available across all three major carriers – SKT, LG U+ and KT in Marble White color.
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