Samsung has started rolling out Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update for its flagship tablet, Galaxy Note 10.1. The first market to get it is Germany where some folks should see their 10-inch tablet prompting them to get the new software version — version XXBLJ9, in case you wonder.
When it comes to what’s new in this release, expect the improved multitasking and S-Pen functionality (including some features of the Galaxy Note II), a few new apps, along with Jelly Bean-specific tweaks to the system. In addition, the device should also be more responsive after the update.
Now you may be wondering when Jelly Bean for the Galaxy Note 10.1 will hit other parts of the world. We don’t have that answer but it’s only natural that other countries will follow shortly starting with rest of Europe. We’ll let you know when we hear something new on this…

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  • 1 to 10 in jermany
  • Samsung-Galaxy-Note-10 1-getting-Android-4 1-in-Germany

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